Four Ways to Stay Motivated in the Music Industry

Monday, April 28, 2014

The music industry is a rough place, but with the right bit of inspiration you can make it through. Here are four ways you can stay encouraged to reach your goals:

1. Vision Board It
Create a collage of your inner most dreams, this will help you have a visual representation of what you really want. It doesn't have to be a fancy bulletin board it can be drawn images, words or even phrases that help you see your vision.

2. You Are the Company you Keep
The old saying is true -- birds of a feather do flock together. The more I meet creatives, the more I see that their success is proportionally related to the people they hangout with. Having friends who inspire you and hold you accountable is very important.

3. Attend Events
I'm an advocate for networking. It can be a great way to expand your circle or even land a deal.

4. Success Stories
All musicians have a story from Gene Simmons to Jay Z filled with high, lows, explaining what made them the success they are today. For me picking up a book or even watching a mini-documentary of an artist's life reminds me that everyone comes from somewhere and share similar struggles when they first began, but eventually all the hard work will pay off.

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