The Music Diary Launch Event

Thursday, February 28, 2013

AAAAAAAAAAAAAH, It's my official launch party. Join me for a night of cocktails and cupcakes at White Rabbit, March 20,2013.



  1. Sorry I missed your event. Any chance to have another one? I would love to meet you and hear about your journey. My name is Sandi and I have an online music show on BCAT - Brooklyn Community Access TV. y show is Who's That Lady Music Show. it's a tribute show to all things Rock, Pop, Soul, Rap & Dance. Im having a meet up on Sat., April 6th at 2PM. Hope you can come out. peace Sandi


  2. Please feel free to send me the info, I will really try and make it --seems cool.

  3. cool, I'll have a confirm location early next week.
